Over a century and decade old, Girls High School nestles in the heart of the town secluded by the tall pine trees providing a scenic and healthy environment. The institution was born n the year 1890 under the supervision and mission of Reverend J.A Grahams, a Guild Missinary. It was founded in 1890 by Katherine Graham who was then supported by Mrs. Higginson, Ms. L. Waugh, Ms. Buddhimaya, followed by Miss Edith Smith in 1909 to name the few.The school was basically established in order to render the best women education in this region. With the rich historical background behind, the institution today stands as an embodiment of the dreams of the founding members those of whose foot prints have well been followed over the years and is being reflected as each year by the ever increasing strength of the school. The school aims to impart its fellow students the best and complete education and inculcate in them the human values which as brings all-round development in a student. For the past one decade under the able, selfless and dedicated leadership of Mrs. S.S Pradhan, Principal, not a year has gone by when changes and reforms were not brought about to keep the faith and continue to do the same....